Administration Manager
Phone: +64 07 5786 161
Lorraine has been in the accounting industry since 1996 and joined Walton Railton in 2010 as Office Manager.
Included in her many tasks Lorraine looks after all Company statutory filing requirements, Banklink and all daily administrative tasks to ensure Walton Railton runs smoothly.
Lorraine is married and lives on a small lifestyle block. She enjoys gardening, reading and time spent with family and friends.
Our aim is to provide you with advice when your business needs it - not just when you ask for it.
We work in partnership with you to minimise your tax and help you achieve your key objectives.
We've developed our traditional accounting practices into innovative client-focused services.
We offer a range of free and easy to use online resources including...
Physical Address
415 Cameron Road (Cnr Eighth Avenue
Cameron Road)
Tauranga 3110
Postal Address
PO Box 2046
Tauranga 3144