An independent valuation provides you with answers to the questions you often need to ask about the value of a business or property. Am I getting the best price for the sale of my business? Is the asking price too much?
We are trained and experienced in business valuations and are able to provide you with simple guidelines and formulae for evaluating the worth of a business. We are also able to appear in court and in arbitration as expert witnesses in relation to business valuations.
Choose Walton Railton & Co. for a professional and accurate valuation service.
Our aim is to provide you with advice when your business needs it - not just when you ask for it.
We work in partnership with you to minimise your tax and help you achieve your key objectives.
We've developed our traditional accounting practices into innovative client-focused services.
We offer a range of free and easy to use online resources including...
Physical Address
415 Cameron Road (Cnr Eighth Avenue
Cameron Road)
Tauranga 3110
Postal Address
PO Box 2046
Tauranga 3144